
Blue Havana

It was like a sign from the universe or something. 
All the blue things in front of me just happened to align perfectly at the exact moment that I wanted to take a photo.
Thank you, universe.


a love/hate relationship

Oh printmaking, you put me through so much! I can't even count the number of late nights I spend laboring away in the studio hunched over my copper plates. You do nothing for my posture and back aches. Your chemicals are harsh on my skin and my arms get cramped from the inking process. It makes me nervous when I have no idea what the final piece will actually look like until the very end.

But I have learned to accept all that goes wrong as "happy mistakes" and to make it work. There is nothing like the feeling you get when you finally crank that printing press, lift those blankets, peel away the plate, and look at your paper; delayed gratification.


study date

October is almost over and we're in the middle of the semester, knee deep in exams and due dates. Some people choose to study in the little cubicles at the school libraries, but the feel is too clinical and the silence is pressuring. I prefer little cafes where the conversations, music, and clinking of stirring spoons fade into white noise. I disappear into my own world of whatever I'm studying at the moment.

Autumn has shed its leaves and I can feel winter slowly creeping in. Time needs to slow down.


 We tried Ethiopian food for the first time. It was delicious.