
The fastest, most liberating, and fun way of getting down a mountain = on a slide!

Even babies go to the beach during torrential downpour. 
What follows is my face as I abandon all hope of staying dry:

Work hard, play hard. It's the same principle even on the other side of the planet.


Sei Shonagon has a list of "Things which Quicken the Heart". It is as follows,

Sparrows feeding their young. To pass a place where babies are playing. To sleep in a room where some fine incense has been burnt. To notice that one's elegant Chinese mirror has become a little cloudy. To see a gentleman stop his carriage before one's gate and instruct is attendants to announce his arrival. To wash one's hair, make one's toilet, and put on scented robes; even if not a soul sees one, these preparations still produce an inner pleasure. It is night and one is expecting a visitor. Suddenly one is startled by the sound of rain-drops, which the wind blows against the shutters.

Although biking is not on her list,
it's definitely on mine.

I can't wait to start riding it - if only it would stop raining!


The sun goes down, the lanterns are lit, and the markets are open for business.