

Okay, so it's been a while since I've posted and other than my parents and Betty, I don't even know if anyone reads this stuff! Anyway, life has been pretty hectic and amazing since my last post.

In short, I have traveled to the following countries:




and Sweden

I have also:
- received my marks for the courses I've taken in Copenhagen (Surprisingly,I did pretty well!)
- gone to several good bye dinners/parties for friends.. all the exchange students are leaving one by one
- extended my plane ticket home... I'm staying 2 extra weeks, which still isn't enough
- been following the World Cup
- finally enjoying the good weather in Copenhagen

I might also travel around Denmark a bit for a couple of days next week if all things work out : )

I really can't believe that everything is coming to an end so quickly! All of a sudden, it's time to think about packing up and leaving everything behind. Two of my room mates are already gone and life in the apartment just isn't the same. I've spent the last six months trying to immerse myself into the danish culture and calling Copenhagen my home. It's hard to imagine all these experiences fitting into the two suitcases sitting under my bed.

Anyway, in celebration of Canada Day ...

Ta daaaa!!