I'm finally back in the CPH. It feels so good to be home again. I left Copenhagen when it had frozen canals and piles of snow. It's been 11 days. The ice is melted, the snow is gone, and the sun is out and shining. It's about TIME, weatherman.
My week long break from school is over and I head back to class tomorrow. But before that, let me just update you on my absolutely fantastically ragingly fun time of a trip to DUBLIN. Mode of transport? Train and ferry.
Stef & I stayed with my good high school friend, Kristine. I haven't seen her since... last summer I think? Anyway, she's studying at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. RCSI for short.
In Dublin...........................
We visited the Guinness Storehouse. It's this huge self guided tour and when you finish it, you end up on the top floor. This is where the Gravity bar is. It's got the greatest panoramic view of Dublin. See below:
Okay, truth is... I actually hated this beer and I'm only pretending to drink it to look cool. It's really bitter and heavy. I'm more of a Carlsberg girl. There, now you know my secret. Shhhh....

This is the Kilmainham Gao (jail). It's opened to the public as a museum now. Historically, there were some important people that were kept here.
Last words from condemned men and women. I can't even begin to imagine.....
On a brighter note, we took a train to a little fishing village outside of Dublin called Howth. The weather was beautiful. Other than the winds by the beach side, the whole place was still, quiet and beautiful. You really get a sense of inner peace. We spent a morning walking along the cliff side.
We only got 3 nights in Dublin. Our last night was spent at Kristine's College's event: ballad night. I was told that it would be a great party, but I really had no idea what to expect. Low and behold, it was a night organized by the school for student bands to perform in their lecture hall and for our future doctors to relax and let loose with cheap beer and good company:

Lecture hall by day... Stage and party room by night. Everyone was loving it.
Me and Kristine.
Alright. That's all for now.
Hello out there!
How's Canada? (or where ever you are)
How were your midterms?
Does Columbus like his diet food yet?
What are you doing this summer?
Sometimes I'm torn between wanting to stay in CPH for ever and wanting to go home. Today was an important day. It's my one year anniversary with my boyfriend and I wish so badly that I could be home.
I need to do some readings + homework now.
At least biking to class will be so much easier now that the snow's gone.